- Credit Score
- Down Payment
- Property Type
- Number of units
- Occupancy
(Owner Occupied, Second Home,
Investment Property) - Closing Cost (points and fees paid)
- Property Location
- Debt Ratio
- Interest Rate Lock In Period
- Escrow Account for taxes and insurance
- Loan Purpose (Purchase, Construction or Refinance)
- Various other factors
What is your rate?
There are a number of factors that can impact your interest rate. Your interest rate is unique to you. The characteristics of your loan may be different than the characteristics of the loan for someone else. These characteristics can impact the terms you are eligible for.
You can find a number of different interest rate options online. Many online sources of information quote rates and terms that you may not be eligible for due to your unique circumstances.
The rates quoted by some of the most popular websites often include significant fees which can have a substantial impact on your overall cost to borrow.
We will always provide you with an accurate rate quote that is reflective of what you can qualify for. We will also show you different rate and cost options to consider to make sure that we have helped you to get the most competitive option for you.
As always, we are here to help you thru this process. Please contact us for specific information as it relates to your qualifications.
Rates and terms shown on the above chart are for informational purposes only. These are not a rate quote and you may qualify for rates and terms that are better or worse (depending on your eligibility). We are happy to provide you a detailed rate quote for the terms you are eligible for. All loans are subject to credit approval. Equal Housing Lender.